That is a pretty tiger trout! I have caught a couple wild ones, but never any others. There is a small native brook trout stream that seems to have a few in it. What a pretty fish!

My dad's friend lives in Nelson Co, VA at about 2600 ft in elevation. He has a trout pond as well. It is surface spring fed and they do quite well year round. How do the PS interact with your trout? My dad's friend has been wanting to add some variety to his pond but is afraid other fish will out compete the trout...

My father and I own 50 acres in Pennsylvania, one day I would like to damn up the small spring that comes to the surface on it, but I do not think it would hold trout. We do stock trout every year in the main creek behind out hunting cabin. In mild summers a few of the brown trout will hold over, but that is maybe once every 3 years and only if the water flow holds up. Sounds like you have quite a beautiful piece of property though!