Amazing! - I am always floored by pictures of the Northeast - the natural rock formations and exposed granite, rolling hills of mixed conifer and deciduous forests, covered bridges and clear running streams and the long running history of each village/town. When I got married back in Oct 2001 I talked my wife [after several months of fighting her idea of the Carribean] into honeymooning in New England just to drive around and explore for two weeks. We missed the foliage peak - but everything was still incredible. We left our hearts in upstate NY, VT and ME....although I am a Nebraska boy born and raised, my mind often drifts to unreal natural scenes just like this - and imagine outside your very door! It's a slice of heaven to be sure.

FYI - I wrote my first ever serious research paper my junior year in HS about Acid Rain in the Northeast in 1988. It made such an impact on me I finally fulfilled a dream and opened Eco Mow lawn maintenance last year to try and make an impact on air pollution from gas mowers, trimmers, blowers, etc. Guess what I'm trying to say is it's great to hear the impact of Acid Precipitation might be improving...if that Brookie is any indication, collective efforts might be making a difference. Never would have imagined that back in the 80's. Too cool.

Okay - off soap box.

Thanks Adirondack! Please keep us posted on how that population is faring in the future.

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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