Good discussion, guys!

James, I agree with the pyramid theory. I think that's what many ponds would look like if you drained them. The smallest types of forage, added together, would form the bulk of the biomass. The pyramid would taper for each larger species (each type of predator). I think you hit the nail on the head with the "2 ponds in one" theory: it's difficult to have large numbers of trophy fish. The reason is because you'd have to keep FEEDING large numbers of trophy fish to keep them at a healthy Wr, and it is a rare pond that can sustain those sorts of populations.

That is why fertilization, aeration, etc. are important--they allow you to alter nature just a little to get more biomass. You can have a little bit of cake and eat it too.

Jeff, that's a pretty bass. At least you didn't bend it. I also like your multi-species idea. It sounds similar to what Norm Kopecky did, except I believe his method was put & take with almost exclusively predator species. I'd love to have a pond dedicated to growing trophy fish of choice, plus another pond with a hodgepodge of all different species and sizes of fish. If I could only have one, I'd rather have better catch rates with multiple species and try for an occassional trophy fish as a bonus.

"Only after sorrow's hand has bowed your head will life become truly real to you; then you will acquire the noble spirituality which intensifies the reality of life. I go to an all-powerful God. Beyond that I have no knowledge--no fear--only faith."