I have always understood it to be as Adirondack Pond states, but I have always had a PA fishing license too so go figure. One thing is for certain, those Palominos are a hoot to chase around the creeks if you find them. I also learned a great deal about catching stream trout by watching them react to my offerings as I fished. You can see them follow and see how they look over the lure/bait each cast, and adjust to what they do. I was on a creek once at a large hole with two decent Paliminos in it, myself and another guy on the other bank were fishing the hole as they stationed mainly on his side of the creek. I used a chartruese rooster tail and got them to follow several times but no hits. The other guy chided that I wouldn't get them to bite because they were pressured too much. I dipped my spinner in some vanilla extract I carry in my trout vest and I caught one on the next cast. The other guy was amused, and then shocked as I dipped my spinner again and caught the other one on the next cast. He asked what I did and I told him I spit on my lure, that's the trick, then I moved to the next hole upstream leaving him to fish alone. The girls didn't think so much of me then, but I walked the creeks around here and worked them fish like a hoover. I still smoke 50-75 or so hatchery trout every year, I just like busting brush and wading fast water, it makes me feel like a kid again.