Originally Posted By: chadwickz71
What do you think your BG population is like during this time. You said your adding 5-8" are your buying them or transferring them from another pond?

How many bass do you think you average taking out per year?

I pulled out almost 200 out of a 4 acre pond a few years ago and it didn't make a difference. They looked just like yours and hit on every cast. This year im gonna add 1000 3-6" CNBG probably around May. I know its a little late but I'll still catch a few spawns and feel that it is more important to pull out a bunch of fish before I put in the CNBG then just dump them in around March and wonder how many original stockers got ate. Also I plan to have a floating dock in place with a feeder running by that time which would also help the BG along as soon as they are dropped in.

Only thing I guess I have going for me vs. your situation is from where I live I can hit my 4 acre pond with my driver and a decent swing. Plus I have a brother that can catch fish fishing with his eyes closed in the winter time.

good luck, Im right there with you doing the same thing your doing.

To the best of my knowledge, there are BG, RES, and either GSF or HBG in the pond. I did not originally stock the pond and have not been able to have an electrofishing survey. The pond is also too deep (and steep) to effectively seine. That being said, there are a fair number of large BG and RES. The yoy are eaten quickly by the hungry bass. Post-spawn, the 13-14" bass will be full of 2-3" BG.

I have not caught any adult HBG or GSF that I'm aware of, but I did trap a yoy sunfish that had a very large mouth and the typical fluorescent "veiny" markings we see with GSF or HBG.

I have been transporting 5-8" (and bigger) BG and CNBG from another pond with an abundance of large sunfish (dad's BG pond about 1.5 hours away). I use an igloo ice chest with an O2 tank and stone diffuser to transport. I then acclimate and release the fish...20-30 at a time. I've probably added 100 fish over 2 years. Not a huge difference in a 4 acre pond, but it helps give me more spawners.

I estimate 15 pounds of bass removed last week. I've probably removed 30-35 pounds per year for the last three years. Not enough in a pond that size, but still enough to get the ball rolling. Water is clear and not as fertile as I'd like, but I'm weary of fertilizing because I cannot be there for an extended time to monitor the results.

If I could hit the pond with a driver and a Tiger Woods swing, I'd be in business. Slow and steady will alow me win the race (I HOPE!)

P.S.- JHAP, I'm no match for Sunil when it comes to brute strength, but I'll try to stop bending the LMB. Please, just don't call PETA and let them know.

"Only after sorrow's hand has bowed your head will life become truly real to you; then you will acquire the noble spirituality which intensifies the reality of life. I go to an all-powerful God. Beyond that I have no knowledge--no fear--only faith."