I am looking into selling sand on from some property I own. I was checking into building a pond in a draw on the back side of our property. The site could have possible supported a 10 acre or more lake. When the guy came out from the local Ag department and did some tests to see if we had clay, he found a lot of sand and said the site was not good for a pond. We do have clay in some places. There is a company mining sand just down from us closer to the river. I contacted them and asked if they would be interested in buying sand from my property. They came out and poked a couple of holes and found sand. I asked them about what the site may look like after they are done. They said they reclaim the site and put the topsoil back down. I asked about digging a pit and making a lake. They said it could be done and would be specified in the contract if there is sand they are interested in buying. I have read a few things on here and am curious about any experiences any of you may have. The site where they dig could be as much as 30 or more acres. Being close to where they are already digging, I might be able to get them to put more clay down if needed when they are done. The idea of getting paid to have a lake built on my property is quite appealing. I have also read on here about the pit maybe hitting the water table. I think we may have a high water table here. An old timer I had do some work on our driveway mentioned something about people used to irrigate crops using shallow wells in the area. Any info would be appreciated.