My favorite is the obese woman that was giving a taxidermist I know a hard time at his booth at an outdoor show. She bragged how she was a vegetarian and it was disgusting what he did blah, blah, blah. Anyway he got tired up it and got right in her face and said in a whisper, "Sweetie you didn't get that big eating veggies." Of course she stormed off and that was the end of her. \:D

My own experience happened at a local convenience store. (I apologize if I've already posted this.) I came in to get gas and had a t-shirt on that said Association of Indiana Taxidermists with a logo of a deer mount, fish etc. The cashier started in on my on how could I do that for a living, it was gross, and on and on and on. It was really annoying. The manager came walking in and the cashier turned to her and said, "This guy mounts animals for a living isn't that gross!" The manager replied, "Well someone has to do it" as if I was a garbage man or something (which I don't have any thing against the guys that pick up my garbage but resented the "someone has to do it comment."

I didn't say much, but instead wrote a letter to the company that owned the gas station. I was not nasty but I was to the point basicially saying as a businesman I understood that our employees were the frontline to out customers and were an intragel part to our success as a business etc. Then I related what happened to me and that I found it very insulting. I also told them I would not step foot in their store ever again (and never have). Surprisingly I got a reply and the management apologized and said they were going to look into it. They also send me a coupon which I pitched.

I'm thinking someone got fired as I saw the manager working at Wallmart. I did see the cashier working at the other gas station in town and she was very nervous when I came in. Of course I said nothing. But I haven't seen her there since.

I had an LPN ask me, "do you like what you do" in a very insulting way when she found out I did taxidermy while I was working in a clinical at a hospital studying to be an RN. I asked her how she felt about changing bedpans and that was all I ever heard out of her.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.