Guys, we only blocked 100 rooms...there are more than that, but we didn't block them.
Bing nailed the offerings around Branson. As the conference comes together, we'll have some great opportunities. We are planning to have some "hands-on" stuff on the water. It is Sue Cruz's which we will definitely do.
Dwight, so sorry. I'm grieved over the deposits. Can you get one of them back?
Let's go have some great times together. Part of our intent is to schedule plenty of time before and after the conference for everyone to be able to participate in the activities around the area. Also, the program will be more relaxed (as far as time goes) than the first two. We will have some intense time together with speakers, etc, but we will definitely schedule plenty of "social time" where we can congregate in small groups and just talk and brainstorm. That seemed to be important for everyone last time.
It's great to see the enthusiasm.

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...