Have any of you guys tried using an electric fence? I've been thinking about using 4 strands, one low for rabbits, one about 8" higher to get high jumping raccoons and then the next two at 4 & 6' for the deer. THis type of fencing is used all of the time around here for cattle, but was wondering if my configuration would work for garden thiefs. I'm about to the point of using trip wires and claymore mines......and don't get me started on the moles.

I've tried vibrating gizmos you stick in the ground (keep it clean Brettski), spring loaded spears and poison peanuts. I think the poison makes the moles stronger and increases their fertility. I got so mad at one point that I fired up the garden tiller and followed their raised tunnels through my yard. I got two of them and a pretty good chewing from my wife. I bet I have over 30 mounds in my backyard right now. Maybe I should call Bill Murray??

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein