Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
(4) I think I once played a card game in which one-eyed tilapia were wild, Texas Go Fish Holdem or something like that.

 Originally Posted By: Rainman
As for #4, that musta been at the last PB Conf.

It was, I didn't want to mention the location because I though we'd sound like a bunch of pond nerds.

Oh and buy the way, Theo is amazing at bluffing. He's got an unreadable Go Fish face, you just can't read him at all. Kind of drag playing Go Fish with this bunch of guys though. I slapped down a "four of a kind" set of fish and got a fifteen minute disertation on how one of the cards looked more like hybrid pink cartoon fish than pure pink cartoon fish and therefore my set was invalid. That started an entire debate about the likelyhood of the hybridization between a pink cartoon fish and a red cartoon fish. Next thing you know Bill Cody and Ewest are debating the merits of various research studes on pink/red cartoon fish hybridization. Bruce is saying he doesn't care whether they are pink, red, yellow, green or blue cartoon fish, what ever they are he'll outfish all of the rest of us. We think about arguing that point but realize that it's completely true so why bother. TomG is ordering another beer. Heybud is considering new pond names and immediatley rejects my Rockin Monkey Goby name, with very little consideration I might add. Nate is trying to figure out how to film the cartoon fish under the cartoon water. Brettski is busy photochopping yet ANOTHER photo of me. FMB is doing a Caddy Shack impression. Sunil is calling FMB a freak while at the same time trying to collect BISA dues from Aaron. And don't get me started on Aaron, who apparently has never been told that SMB won't survive in the Arizona heat and is willy nilly raising them there anyway.

And Bob Lusk is sitting in the corner wondering what in the world he did to deserve this cast of characters.

And that's only the parts of the evening that I can remember.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)