Originally Posted By: Rainman
Cecil, no married man can truly deny the fact that IF MOMMA AIN"T HAPPY, THERE AIN'T NOBODY HAPPY!

True but my wife has never said, "My way or the highway!"

At least we talk about it before she gets her way.

Actually I'm just kidding. My wife is very accommodating and open minded. I knew she was when I forgot I left a coyote in the bathtub to thaw out and she went in to take a shower. There was no scream. Honest!

Oh yeah and she has just cleaned the frig the day before she went into the bathroom to find the coyote. There was this can of diet coke she was thinking about all the way home from school on a hot blistering day. She opened the door and there was a dead squirrel on top of it.

Back when I did deerheads before specializing in fish I used to get a lot of, "You're not hanging that in my house buster" from the wives if they came in with their husbands. But one day I got this young lovy dubby couple where the wife bragged she wanted to hang it above their bed. I didn't want to know...

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 12/13/08 10:26 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.