My friend has a few in his home aquarium. Last week he added feeder guppies for some other fish in the tank. The tilapia ate them too. This observation raises the question as to what effects they may have on desired fry in the pond. They may have mistaken the guppies for swimming pellets.

ML: I failed to get pictures of the new filter for the grow out tank again but made some observations: Plastic tub about 2'x3'x1.5', the lid was either concave or inverted with 1/4" holes drilled in it in a 1"c/c grid pattern, filled with packing peanuts, water pump floods the lid and it trickles through to the media and through a PVC drain at the bottom, a bypass valve was installed between the pump and lid that dumped back into the tank for flow adjustment...a picture would have been easier.

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." Stephen W. Hawking