HBG are a cross between a GSF and a BG. I have never heard or read any knowledgeable fish guy say or refer to a cross between 2 BG as a HBG. There are 3 sub-species of BG and their offspring even if between sub-species are BG not hybrids. The same holds for LMB - they are Northerns , Florida's and F-1s but not hybrids.

I won't even address the length and weight claims. Even Bruce's hand selected genetic Condello BG don't do that as a population in Neb. Why would I think someone in Iowa ( as cold or colder climate) could do that when Bruce can't.

I do think they are good fish. I just don't think a hatchery with good fish needs to make such comments to sell fish. It makes me wonder as a purchaser when a hatchery says such things if I can really trust what they are telling me.

Last edited by ewest; 11/13/08 09:34 PM.