My 2 cents which is worth about 1/4 cent. I am fairly new to pond keeping although I have kept everything from goldfish to a huge live ocean reef in aquariums.I have even propagated coral in aquariums which demands the highest water quality of any aquatic endeavor. Bluecat's don't care that 12 feet is as deep as the 20 acres are and I think Robinson was kidding when he added a foot to the depth and a acre to the size. Your lake is bigger than most and I only dream of having that much water! \:\) (dream, dream dreaming of huge fish) \:D You can have Blue cats if you want them!!! I would try to get a good idea what fish are already in the pond. Take steps to reduce or eradicate the trash fish. Then stock with good balanced stocking plan which would include whatever type of fish I enjoyed catching and eating!

Please no more rain for a month! :|