I'm not a big Pumpkinseed fan. No reason really, other than that I prefer Bluegill.

Pumpkinseeds in my area are generally overpopulated in most small ponds that I see. Granted most small ponds aren't managed properly - Anyhow, I've gone out of my way to make sure they don't get into the pond I'm managing for BG and SMB. I've noticed in my limited pond experience that bass tend to target younger BG over PS as forage.

On my home lake - PS tend to live shallower, get more nematode parasites. I catch them and Rock Bass in similar habitat in the summers, 8-15 ft deep. Occasionally while fishing for BG - I'll hook into a decent sized Pumpkinseed deeper where the BG are.

They are a pretty fish however - and the fish that I think of when people talk about catching "sunfish".