Well, the last couple of weeks have been eventful. Our office manager of nearly five years, Kathy Lovell, gave notice that she had accepted a job working on a pipeline with her husband. Since she's a newlywed, and her husband has been gone quite a bit, it made good sense. Kathy helped get Pond Boss to the next level.
So, we ran some ads, got almost 50 resumes and interviewed a dozen good candidates.
Actually, we decided to form two full time positions...a business administrator and an editorial assistant. The editorial assistant, Gayle Allston, brings many years of graphic design and marketing with her. She's been on the job for three days and is kicking butt and taking names. The second spot will be filled November 10, since the new business administrator had to give two weeks notice to her employer.
They are both solid professionals and we are poised to bring Pond Boss into the next level. Our next mission will be to add more subscribers to the Pond Boss family. It's time to grow.
So, much of my time has been spent interviewing folks and holding down the fort.
But, you know me...I can't stay in an office much longer than 30 minutes. Mike Otto and I spent some good time together last week. I also made the trek to Athens, Texas to visit Eagle's Nest Ranch and check progress there.
Seined one of my .10 acre pond with Ethan Lovelace and removed 1500 coppernose bluegill from 4-8" long to be stocked into a west Texas lake.
Today, though, I had a pretty cool trip. Left about 8 a.m. for a four hour trek due west of here, to Matador, Texas. Met up with Devin Ballard, a local boy who's thriving as a ranch manager. The ranch where he works wants to stock a few fish, so I headed that way. After a lunch at a local cafe in that small town, we headed to the ranch to take a look. Here's some photos of today's trip.

This was pretty cool. Traveling along this west Texas Farm to Market road, I saw a cowboy in the middle of the highway, waving his hat for me to stop. As I topped the hill, here's what I saw. They were driving several hundred head of cattle across the highway, to better pasture. Definitely a Texas thing.

As we got ready to head to the lake, Devin pulled over next to a gasoline powered air compressor. Every ranch needs one of these.

This coyote popped up next to us and raced for a hundred yards before disappearing as quickly as he appeared.

Beautiful section of this lake in the Caprock area of Texas.

Different part of the lake.

If this photo had a little more color, it might make a cover shot.

Fish on!

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...