Originally Posted By: Theo Gallus
Now we just have to get the story about how (Y)JHAP quit smoking.

Why do I suspect it has something to do with getting beaen up by Michael Laudenbak's older sister?

Had nothing to do with Michael Laudenbak's older sister. She was about 6-7 years older than us. I was around 12 -13 at the time, I don't recall my exact age. One day Michael and I were walking down the street smoking her cigarettes. We could barely smoke them, coughing ever puff. We were trying to be the cool kids. So anyhoo one day we were walking an smoking and I took a big old puff and started a coughing attack seconds later Michael did the same thing. So we're stand there coughing away and I said to him are you enjoying this? He says "nope" and that was it. End of smoking for JHAP. Well until I was about 17 and and another good friend and I found his dad's cigars.

As far as Michael Laudenbak's older sister went she wouldn't give us the time of day. To her we were her pesky kid brother and his annoying little friend.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)