Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
 Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
Bruce and I may produce some pumpkinseeds next year. If you got them from me they'd have to be health tested and overnighted. Could be done with fry.

Cecil & Bruce, please let me know if you decide to do this. Pumpinseeds are in California waters and I haven't found any restrictions on them. I also haven't found anyone that sells them here. The are in some lakes but appear to be more scarce than other sunfish.

DIED, ya gotta have a Pumpkinseed grow out pond!!!!

I'm serious Cecil and Bruce, really, this is JHAP being serious, I would be really interested in getting some Pumpkinseed.


I'm sure Bruce and I will keep you posted. I see no problem with overnighting fry when the time comes. Like I said though the only thing is with me we'd have to test them for VHS and with him you wouldn't have to.

I'm seining my bluegill production pond today and will completely drain it down after I get all the fish out of it I need. It will be dried and refilled and ready for pumpkinseed broodstock next spring.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 10/12/08 08:31 AM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.