Now we're cookin'. Ideally I'd want mechanical filtration instead of biological filtration. I'd just like to get the solid waste out of the tank and some of the iron as well. I'd want it to be cheap enough to just throw away.

I take a solemn vow right now to not create additional work for myself!! I'd just like to take the filter media out and chuck it, then fold up some more and put it back in.

Could the filter material be placed in a bucket overhanging the tank and let the water trickle through? Don't forget that this will help oxygenate the water AND give me some backup aeration if my aerator fails while I'm away.

You guys are gonna be SO, SO JEALOUS when I'm putting 8 inch, feed-trained age-1 bluegill and chunky 10 inch yellow perch into my pond. :p :p :p \:D Maybe each fall I'd seine my smaller pond and collect some redears and feed them crawlers all winter.

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.