10/4/08 SAMPLING
My pal Phil and his wife Donna are avid fisher-folk. They have not yet visited the LNP project, so I felt this gorgeous October day would be a good time to talk them into bringing down their fishing boat and gear and help me do a sampling.
We picked up a couple dozen nightcrawlers on the way and dropped his boat in at the launch around 11 a.m., bright sunny day. His wife Donna caught 2 YP on crawlers and Phil pulled in a SMB casting a jig.
Some comparative history...
YP May '07

YP Oct '08 (17 months later)


SMB May '08 (about 5" long)

SMB Oct '08 (5 months later)

SMB caught on

Phil had a scale, but it wasn't much for minimum incremental accuracy. The divisions were in 1/4# increments. The YP checked at 1/4# and SMB checked at 3/4#. I wouldn't hang my hat on these figures.