Originally Posted By: Bruce Condello
Yes. Absolutely.

8 inches in two years is good for any lepomid...anywhere.

They appear to be in good body condition. Do you agree with that assessment?

thanks bruce, yes i agree, all the older/larger fish have great body condition.

 Originally Posted By: Sunil
D.I.E.D., did you start fresh in June 2006?

It seems odd to me that all the fish are very similar in size. It seems like it could represent a lot of situations, some good, some not.

yup, started fresh in 06. GSF in 06, BG and RES in 07. the BG ranged from 2 to 5" and the RES were ~5 to 7" when stocked.

 Originally Posted By: ewest
Nice BG DIED. I like it when they don't all look the same.

Sunil may be right. I know we have talked about this before. You may now be reaching the point of mgt intervention. A lot of lepomis around the same size with limited food. No doubt that you have a better assessment than us because you have seen the whole pond. Sunil I bet they are the same size in the pics because of the sampling method (creel survey). Probably a bunch of smaller fish as well.

thanks eric, those gills are pretty arent they? i love their colorations. and i think you hit nail on head. i have definitely reached the point of needing intervention which is why a good friend of mine who is no longer with us put a bass in my pond. there are a bunch of smaller fish ranging from just born to the sizes you see posted above (and some bigger that wouldnt cooperate). the younger BG are thin and need culled.....JHAP be prepared for more take home....i'd like to do this ASAP. the younger GSF are generally fat, in fact all the GSF look really good. they are doing well as top predator, its the young BG that are showing the effects of not enough forage.

 Originally Posted By: GW
Pretty fishes Dave.

I don't remember if you're feeding or not. Since tropical storm Fay I now have WM in addition to my FH/RES thanks to Mr. H's upstream pond. That messed up my RES test a little, but I'm glad to have the WM anyway. \:\)

I asked about the feeding because I'm trying to get the WM to take pellets. Has anyone heard of GSF taking them?

thanks gw, yes i feed, but am feeding alot less given my terribly low water conditions. maybe once a week just to keep them trained. the gsf took to pellets almost immediately. like JHAP mentioned, its a hoot to watch the differences in how BG and GSF take feed...the BG just cruise near the surface and slurp them in, the GSF hang deeper and thrust up and attack the pellets making a huge splash, then dive back down.

JHAP, i'm ready, i've said my goodbyes, its either move em out or watch an impending fish kill....bring yer wally world aerators.....

GSF are people too!