Originally posted by ewest:
...while with GG you don't know what you end up with.
Not to argue, but I think this is part of the mis-communication regarding GG.

GG, the original stocker, not the offspring, is the end objective. That is the target fish. It is NOT a means to an end. How can it be stated any clearer?

When the original stockers are gone, you start over, assuming you like the results from the originals. What about that is risky? A three year cycle is what I expect. If it lasts longer, then its a bonus. I already have the pump to start over. Maybe my grandkids will be so hooked on fishing by then they will be ready to "graduate" to other fish...maybe I will like the GG's so much on the fly rod, I'll not graduate myself. I don't know. I just want to have some fun with these, and I fully intend to do just that.

Actually, I'm thinking a side benefit might well be some grown-out HSB that I can then move to my larger ponds. I see this as part of a system...a system of ponds...designed to meet multiple objectives to please several types of fishing. I fail to see any risk, other than those I mentioned previously.