I just discovered something interesting.

One of my ponds has two smallmouth bass in it. I decided to throw a small lure to catch one.

Sure enough, one of the smallies exploded on it, and gave me a great fight.

The smallmouth had been stocked at 12 inches, but was now a full 14 inches less than three months later.

I figured it had been eating some of the giant dragonfly nymphs that we have in abundance.

When I released the fish it hesitated at the surface and urpped up a leapard frog that measured 8 inches from snout to tip of longest leg. The frog appeared to have been alive in the last few minutes.

I haven't had any herons in the last few months so I've had an explosion of leapard frogs.

Apparently this is where some of them go.

Sorry, but I didn't have a camera with me.

Last edited by Bruce Condello; 08/31/08 11:35 AM. Reason: Not real sure what a "snouth" is.

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.