The reason Deb, or Ken, don't produce proof of their claims is that there is none. This is old news, a super bluegill grown by a pro with "patents". Sorry, but only the name is patented, according to the patent office. Ken is a big time salesman (conman?), selling the typical bullshit hybrid bluegill that revert to greenies, but with a clever marketing spin and push. I can't believe that there is even a thread for this, GET A CLUE!! If this was the real deal, you would see piles of evidence, and unending testimonials, not to mention numerous state records. Where are they? They grow a few big fish, so what? The standard bluegill has some impressively sized specimens as well. Anyone that buys this line of crap from Ken deserves what they get, lighter in the wallet with a pond full of plain hybrid bluegills. Give up on demanding scientific review and use a little logic. No credible objective evidence, decades with no buzz other than that produced by Ken (lots of fish sold, where are all the tickled shitless buyers with ponds overrunning with 3 pound gills?), deceptive marketing language (patents, special strain, available no where else). This is a new twist on an old idea, it's called a scam. ANYONE WANT TO BUY A BRIDGE IN BROOKLYN?

Just my dumb hillbilly opinion, ready to get fired on with abuse.