Hi guys: Theo suggested that I bring this to forum, and since fertilization has some what of an effect on ph an alkalinity here goes: My new pond (5-08) has a very hard, clay bottom and the run off comes from rocky, redish soil. We have a normal amount of alge, etc with some water plants beginning to appear. Haven't stocked it yet, and won't till water temp get about 70-74 this fall. My Ph at 3:00 pm yesterday was 9.3 and my alkalinity was 60 ppm. I think I'd like by alk. to be about 100-125 ppm and my Ph between 7-8.5. I know the Ph is a moving target depending on time of day and other factors. Should I be worried about 9.3Ph at mid day, and if I use pelletizied lime to up my alk. would it totally spike my Ph and fry anything living in the water. I'm not adversed to using small amounts of muratic acid to help the Ph process, but I'd really like some "expert" input. Thanks guys. Jimmydee