
Not confidential and I'm glad to share with you or anyone else interested.

I'm dealing with Crystal Lake Fisheries out of Ava, Missouri...the home town of my Mother and many aunts, uncles, etc.

How many RT?...depends on personal needs but I'm going for about 60 pounds per acre. I'm interested in fishing, food (for humans) and food (for predators). They recommend a mixture of sizes for that objective with 7 to 9 inch for medium predators and 8 to 10 inch for larger predators and 10 to 12 inch for us human predators. I'll get a mixture of all three sizes. The costs run from $4 per pound for the larger sizes to $4.50 per pound for the smaller sizes. Delivered directly to the pond.

They say they have seen great success in weight gains on predators (fish not humans) from the few people who have tried this.

Once again, I'm trying something few have done before, but the worst that can happen is that I have to catch and eat all those pounds of RT before they die next March...and Tilapia take their place. I believe it is possible, on the positive side, that this combination of Tilapia and RT could very well produce some surprising results in predator growth.

By the way, for the Pond Boss "tried and true" slammers and flamers, I'm not recommending this approach to anyone, I'm just answering Todd's question. Thanks.