Originally Posted By: GW
I'm up to 3.3 inches now and the siphon is hanging in there at 5" above full pool.

I just love seeing that bottom water flushing out. Does the rain present a DO risk?


Your post above sure caught my attention. Somehow I must have missed the threads about your siphon, and a search hasn't turned up anything worth while.

We've had two pretty wet years, and I'd sure like to move some muck and nasty water off the bottom of my pond.

I've been planning on using several hundred feet of 4-inch corrugated plastic sewer pipe to siphon water from the bottom of my pond when the water starts to go out my emergency spillway.

I've given serious thought to laying the pipe in my emergency spillway, which, at its highest point, is about 16-18 inches above the top of my standpipe drain. One end of the pipe would be at the deepest area in my pond. The other end, in the spillway, would be at a level approximately equal to the top of my spill pipe. For the past two seasons, I've had water in my emergency spillway for at least a month per year. This year, it was for almost three months. Even now, I'm only down 4-inches, which is about 10 inches higher than I would expect for this time of year. If a tropical storm or the remnants of a hurricane make their way up our hollow, I'll be over the top again for a few weeks.

If there is a thread about your siphon that I can't find, I'd sure appreciate a link.


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