So, did this Tom Biscardi know that it was fake when he paid the $50,000?

Good question.


Note to Prosecutors: Steve Kulls is not "independent" of Biscardi. He is one of the co-conspirators in this scam. He's a long-time member of Biscardi's own gang, and was even credited by Biscardi during the press conference for helping to bring forward this "discovery". This hoax was debunked last week by the BFRO, a few days before the press conference. Kulls is now trying to help himself (and the rest of Biscardi's gang -- SearchingForBigoot, Inc.), from being named as a defendant in this case, by casting himself as "the independant investigator who uncovered the hoax." This is an ongoing hoax/scam, and Kulls is part of it.

Biscardi didn't start this hoax, but instead latched onto to it once it was presented to him by his partner Steve Kulls. Lots of people make ludicrous claims like Whitton and Dyer did (and like Biscardi has done in the past more than once). The element that made this hoax attractive for Biscardi was that Whitton is a sheriff deputy. Biscardi knew this would help the story appear more believeable to the media, for a little while at least.

Whitton and Dyer have now disappeared, and soon Biscardi and Kulls will disappear as well, along with whatever Biscardi was able to rake in from gullible customers around the world since his announcement of the "discovery."

Warrants need to be issued immediately before Biscardi leaves the country. Santa Clara County, California, (where the press conference was held) clearly has jurisdiction to issue the warrants, and all the elements of fraud are present. For a while after the press conference, at the height of the Internet storm of curiousity, Biscardi was trying to charge $2 to see the photos of the fake body. Millions of people around the world wanted to see the photos, and Biscardi may have raked in a tidy sum while the world was being urged to "wait and see"...