For the record, I would follow thru on the phone call to the dept of Ag. We had a similar occurrence at a neighbor's horse farm, and we got pretty involved when we discovered a half dozen horses in an old barn, in 2 feet of dung and emaciated. We started with the Hooved Animal Humane Society. Then we went to the Dept of Ag and they gave us immediate attention. They pulled their records and verified numerous previous complaints and actions. Ultimately, because of the legal specifics, they were unable to take an immediate action; it was a long detailed story. Ultimately, the Hooved A-H-S came thru and handled the details.
Here's a real good one. The Ag dept referred me to a specific animal division; I can't remember what department. Anyway, they were putting me off and it P'd me off. I told them "no problem, I'm just gonna take it to ABC channel 7 in Chicago for a story". Boy, did THAT get their attention. I believe it had something to do with the quicker results.