
How dare you and your multiple personalities question my results:) Seriously, I really don't know if our results are real or coincidental with something else going on. I am becomming a believer because we have mulitple ponds responding to the treatments.

To be honest, I haven't even attempted to observe sludge reduction on the bottom. I do believe that nutrients are being tied-up and unavailable for the algae. The stuff we've been using literally looks like saw dust dispersing in the water. Since the product is not required to be registered with the EPA, my luck would predict that is probably just overpriced saw dust!

I'm glad that you posted Bill's results and I hope he chimes in. That is good to know about the pellets because I'm seeing more advertising about them all of the time. If he's using the overpriced sawdust like I am, then I will have to start scratching my head.

I will say this, the amount of product that is "recommended" is quite a bit when you look at 8 months worth of application. It adds up quickly. It really does seem to be working.

Jeff, you are not a keyboard monkey. You are much more evolved. How about keyboard Australopithecus?? I haven't had a lot of time to post, but I must say I read the forum about once a week and you (and Theo) make me laugh everytime. I was hoping to meet you in Texas but I just couldn't break away.

I hope others chime-in, too with their experiences. I would like to know what the real story is about the bacteria. The brands being used, the rates, and the observed results from others will be useful.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein