We are still riding the rollercoaster. Cathy isn't showing much improvement, but is not worsening much either. She continues to get a rapid onset fever (103+) that can spike in under 10 minutes and is very spotty in the areas of the body affected, and her blood chemistry continues to give her hell, mostly rapid sodium crashes. The Dr's cannot find any cause and are limited to intense detction and treatment of symptoms. I am having to spend most of my time with her to watch for the troubles since the nursing staff can't/won't watch her constantly. All the worst possible complications have been ruled out like stroke, seizures, infection, but it's starting to look like some minor neurological damage is being done, probably by the fevers. we won't know now if anything is permanent until she stabilizes--IF she stabilzes. My biggest fear is that she may grow tired of fighting this if she doesn't feel improvement soon.

I want to again thank you all for keeping us in your prayers, the offers of help, and the cards. They really mean a great deal to my family and are truly appreciated!

A special thank you to ewest and Brett295!
