Thankfully my spies told me that there would be an initial ceremony that may involve a serious beating. I decided to take matters into my own hands. I lured Bob Lusk to the lobby bar on the guise that I would buy him a drink or three. He took the bait.

We are now holding Mr. Lusk hostage. Unless our conditions are met Mr. Lusk will go through a brain washing proceedure in which he will forsake his love of ponds and now be interested in managing squirrel ranches. Pond Boss will be changed into Squirrel Boss. Fear shall grip the nation. Life as you have known it shall cease to exist.

Condition number 1: A new thread must be created in which the almighty Green Sunfish is praised to epic proportions.

Condition number 2: In this new thread, a minimum of 50 forum members must proclaim their love for the almighty GSF and vow that they shall NEVER post disparaging comments about this magnificant species again. 49 members will not save Mr. Lusk. 50 or more or it's all over.

Condition number 3: Ninty one dollars in unmarked bills shall placed into a Flintstones Lunch box and shall be left at a location that we shall disclose in the future. More funds shall be requested as the bar bill ransom requirement increases. Prepare to open your wallets for the cause.

We shall post additional conditions in the very near future.



"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)