Buy them, stick them in a cooler, release them, then don't tell anybody about it. In the fall when the temperature starts to drop, pull out 20 or so little ones. You can over-winter them in a 100 gal. fish tank and then release the 15-20 adult breeders in the spring. As long as the fish don't get more than 6 inches over the winter, they won't overload the tank. The rule of thumb for an aquarium is one inch of fish per gallon. Once they start breeding, your tilapia population will increase rapidly.

If caught, I will disavow any knowledge of your activities. \:\)

Last edited by ezylman; 06/18/08 02:20 PM.

Water dries, rocks crumble, and trees die. The only thing that is eternal is the reputation we leave behind.
- Ancient Viking Proverb