Tilapia are only allowed in Southern California. I looked into Tilapia when I was hoping for a non chemical solution to my Elodea problem.

Quoted from a website about Tilapia in California:

"In California, Tilapia is only permitted to be grown south of the Tehachepe mountains. The species allowed is O. Mossambicus as it is considered indigenous, having been planted in the mid-1960s in irrigation channels to fight the invasion of the waterway-clogging hydrilla weed."

The Tehachepe mountains run approximatly east to west and are just north of LA.

Oh and Lake Mead is currently in Nevada. Because of the expanding population in California we intend to annex it into California in the next decade or two.

I considered smuggling them into Northern California but DIED said that if I was arrested he refused to post the $50,000 bail. I mean sheesh, mention bail money and suddenly all your friends are busy.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)