I would go with the pink option below. Here is why. A dock/pier is a central focus for much pond activity (not just fishing). Plan for multiple choices like swimming , kids wading , sight fishing the sand bed areas , a beach for wading , pic taking and fish viewing etc. I assume that the pic orientation is north is up. If so the pink location gives access to the sand/beach area with shallow water for ALL beach type activities and deeper water access from the other side of the pier. It leaves you a secluded area (the other side of the pond for fishing while others are on the pier sun bathing , swimming etc. This location gives shade in the am and sun in the afternoon for sun worshipers (wives , kids and grandkids or hung-over friends). It is close enough that the wives/daughters etc can sit on the dock and watch the kids at the beach area .

These type things are why careful thought on pond matters from people with vision are important. I am not claiming to be a visionary but I have seen this choice in person and ask all the why questions at the time. I listened. I will find a pic of the results.

Last edited by ewest; 06/11/08 02:05 PM.