Greg :

If you are asking the following ; How long does it take for a male BG to complete one spawn , from when it starts clearing a nest until it leaves after the fry swim up (leave the nest) then I have a guess . I have not seen a direct answer to that, but am adding bits and pieces from several sources and then making a guess. I think 10 days +-. There is variation based on temp. and water condition at least. Info showes 3-5 days for eggs to hatch and 3-5 days for swim up after hatching , I added a day for male to prepare bed and attract one or more females and averaged. There can be more than one set of eggs (more than one female depositing ) in a nest and if placed and fertilized at different times then I guess that would make a difference on the time. I will keep looking for a direct answer and note the location and source. ewest