"....almost as if on cue, Fatty farts......."

With the instant infusion of methane into the atmosphere, james holt's propane cooker ignites the methane into a fireball. The fish zombies from Zonar 7 don't know whether to take this as a threat or a greeting. In a confused state, the fish zombies start to exude bullheads from their gill slots. Howard, being the PETA advocate that he is, ceases his limbo, panics and starts collecting the bullheads and then proceeds to deposit them in the hotel pond. While Howard is stocking the hotel pond with bullheads, two shady characters are seen running from the pond while giggling like madmen.

The next day, the hotel grounds manager finds not only bullheads in his hotel ponds, but also crappie, LMB, gar, channel cat, and HSB.

Howard is immediately fired and Lusk lands a multi-million dollar bullhead-eradication contract.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."