Originally Posted By: cheyenne19
I added my HSB on a whim, and I couldn't be happier with them. My name for them is white dynamite.

Cheyenne, over the years I was a devoted LMB fan, but after I discovered Striped Bass I became bored fishing for LMB.
Hope I’m not offending our many LMB aficionados but a SB will outfight a LMB many times over.

When “our” ponds were built, I absolutely “had to have” HSB to replace my beloved stripers, even though advised by TP&L they were not successful in small ponds “without intense management” and if you can imagine the folly, – “AERATION”..
I wouldn’t trade them for anything even if they are sensitive to our hot Texas weather – as are striped bass.

With a fishing “ladder” of annual HSB stocking you will always have 5 lb class HSB, and even larger as you have – I’m waiting for your 10 lb HSB report – from southern waters no less.

I like your “white dynamite” name of HSB...

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)