CIMDMA, hi, I'm from Louisiana too! I've lived all around. Spent the last 8 years in New Orleans, but was raised in Alexandria, which is where I am currently. By the way, congratulations on clearing up your pond and catching some fish. Man, 20 in. of claritiy . .. I can't even begin to imagine how that would look on our pond here outside Alexandria. It was always a good fishing pond when I was a kid, not extremely clear but not bad either. It's all red clay around here, so it gets red when the rains come and it used to settle after a few days or more. But NOW, it looks like chocolate milk with a little red mixed in. And the fish will NOT bite anymore at all. We've had some new constructions, (a barn and a new house) build on a hill above the pond over the last few years, and I know all of the bare areas and muddy runoff are where we need to start. We've put out grass seed, tons of hay, and run sprinklers almost every day to get this grass growing. Besides that, I think we'll start doing just about the same exact thing that you did. I'm going to test the water first, and see if there's anything else we need to deal with. But besides that, I think we're going to hit it with the Alum. and Lime, also I'd like to try some Gypsum. Did you ever try Gypsum? Or just mainly the Alum? I've got to look around and see what's readily available here locally in the quantities I'd need. But anyway, our ponds sound very similar and it's good to see some people on here from Louisiana. If you have any suggestions or tips you've learned since your last posts and the clearing of your pond, please pass them on. Hope things are still going well with your pond. I know it can be really enjoyable when everything is right, but virtually useless when it's just an acre of mud puddle. I'm glad I got to read your posts. When I'm able to get started on mine, I'll post info. on how it's going. Thanks again, take care, and have some good fishing this summer!

20 yr. old 3/4 Acre Pond in Central Louisiana, maybe 6'-7' deep average, 10'-12' deepest. Long ago stocked with BG and LMB. Pond is now overpopulated and muddy, fishing isn't near as good as it once was. Any input appreciated.