Originally Posted By: george1
Cecil, do you remember the OPEC oil embargo of the eaarly 70's?
They had us by the jugular at that time and we have been hemoraging ever since.
The American public was asleep at wheel while our politicians of both major parties pandered to enviornmentalists for their votes.

There are major natural gas reserves off the west coast of Florida, not to speak of the east and west coast folks with their NIMBY phylosophy.

We have met the enemy and it is us...

I am disappoointed in our "if it feels good do it", instant gratification present day society. that has never experienced
hard times" or personal sacrifice...

In the meantime our public has been conditioned to sit back and cuss the mean old oil companiesa and refineries.
Where has been the public clamor for R&D energy alternatives?

Pardon my rant....
Moderators - moderate..


I'm with you. Cuba and China are drilling away in the Gulf of Mexico but it's off limits to us? Talk about stupid.

What gets me is this country is capable of anything but it's not happening. Part of it IMHO is we need good leadership for that. At the risk of getting political here I'm not seeing it in our congress critters nor the CIC.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.