ML, my disagreement is based on my feeling as an “amateur”, is that I should not make statements of fact without qualification, however well intended, that casual forum readers may accept as fact. \:\) \:\) \:\)

Ml said: “HSB are primarily an open water fish.”

If your definition of open water is beyond the weed line, I may agree with you, otherwise not.

Bruce said:
“I would estimate HSB occupation of shallow vs. deep water in reservoirs as follows:
Spring/pre-spawn and spawn--75% shallow, 25% deep

Bruce, I agree with you on this, but gender must be taken into effect with pure striped bass:

“Males begin their spawning run 1 to 3 weeks before the females when water temperature is less than 15 C.
Females striped bass begin their spawning migration when water temperature is around 15C.” (SRAC - Hybrid Striped Bass, Hatchery Phase – R.G. Hodson and M. Hayes)

I presume HSB attempts to spawn will follow the same pattern?

Bruce said:
“That being said...these are reservoir observations and may have little or no validity when talking about ponds, where the forage type and availability are entirely different.”

Agree emphatically!!!!!!!!

ML I believe that our HSB, BG, and Tilapia program has been pretty much parallel, but our fishing methods may different.
We may be observing different things.

I must qualify my statements by an “amateur, I must be careful mot to confuse 3+ years HSB experience with one year experience three times…… \:D

George Glazener