Originally Posted By: catmandoo
For the past couple of weeks I've noticed something coming up to feed that I couldn't really identify. My water has had only about 10 inches of visibility. I knew they weren't BG, CC, or the few trout that were left (I gave up on them -- as the water hit 72 yesterday.) Over the last couple of days, the water has warmed considerably, and it has also cleared considerably to well over two feet. The new moochers at the feed are LMB. There are a couple dozen of them between about 5-8 inches that come up below the pellets and slowly suck them in. Larger LMB seem to be swimming the periphery, but not eating. I'm not sure what this will mean to long term BG size and population. It sure was unexpected.

Sometimes fish learn by association. But many times folks think it's astonishing the bass have learned to eat pellets, when in fact they were probably trained to at the supplier. Were these naturally hatched or were they originally from a supplier as fingerlings?

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 05/25/08 08:43 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.