Asian carp are an invasive species that spreading like crazy in the mid-west rivers and lakes. They are displacing native game fish and are a danger to boaters due to the fact they leap in the air when scared by the boat motor. I heard in areas of the Illinois river that 90% on the fish population are Asian carp. Every month in the paper I see another article about the DNR hiring a commercial fisherman to remove TONS of carp from bodies of water where the have ruined the fishery. During a recent seminar in Chicago I toured a chemical plant that sits next to man made canal that connects Lake Michigan to the Illinois river. There is a spot in the canal they run electric current through the water to keep the carp from getting into the great lakes. It may only be a matter of time though before they get in. We need an army of bow-fisherman like fishtech.

Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?