Hello all!

I hope your ponds are alive and well! I am always lurking and learning but sometimes you just have to post the questions. I spend a lot of time in the archives before asking questions so as not to be referred BACK to the archives! Hahahah.

My pond is doing ok but as always there are issues! First we have a large bloom of filamentous algae. This is the earliest we have ever had it and it was bad! I spent 2 days pulling it out of the water then sprayed Cutrain plus. I then added aqua shade to hopefully slow down the growth. I have tried every thing to find the nutrient source and I am convinced it has to be from to many fish! I have aeration running 24/7 shaded water, chemical treatment and 7 days later the stuff was back! I am currently reducing my population by half! Could it come from my well water as we are adding 51840 galons every 4 days?

Our CC have vanished! 1 nice cat was caught in March and that has been the last fish anyone has seen. They do not eat(never did see them eat pellets),nor can I catch one. We had 50plus large cats in a small pond and the pond is checked daily and no dead cats have ever been spotted what could have happened?

Our feed trained LMB are pigs! The have tripled in size in a year and appear to be very healthy I just have to many F1 northern cross and I am actively seeking homes for them. I do have some small LMB in the 3 to 5in range that have to be survivors from the fish kill two years ago. I was happy to see a smaller class of LMB to help curb my exploding BG population. But could the small bass be from my current 14 inch fish……what size do they spawn? Could a 3 to 5in fish be last years spawn?

The HBSB are strange fish! I caught some that were fat and happy and have doubled in size! I also caught HBSB that were so skinny they looked like zippers! I guess they never learned to eat pellets and can’t catch BG! I also caught some that are the exact same size as when they went in the pond a year ago!

The BG are huge! I only took 2 pictures and I did not take a picture of my 2 ponder I caught as the camera was up at the shop! But the BG are by far the beast of the pond and the dominate fish! I allowed a neighbor to take a few to eat and he only kept BG over 10 inches! I have also been throwing a lot of 2 to 5in BG on the bank for the coons and birds to eat as the BG have exploded!

I will post a few pictures of fish and the new homestead that is finally complete. I bought the property built a pond then a shop and the house last are my priorities mixed up? We still have a new pond in our future and are currently in the planning stage first pic is 2 year old feed trained bass

shoot'em in the lipps