Thanks for the rsponse. My goal with this pond is to use it primarily for fishing. We have some recreational idea's (swimming) but see that mainly for the kids.

I would be looking to grow trophy size bass. I started fishing bass on the tributaries of the Colorado River back in 1983, and have always enjoyed the challenge.

Anyhow, this pond is around 13-16 ft deep. It was origanally buit back in the 1950's. What we did was have 40 years of silt removed. We placed a jetti on the west bank in order to add a fishing area, and more structure. I had the contractor create a shelf at about 3-4 feet deep, 10-15 feet from the shore.

I had some wells dug for a Geothermal system for our house. The well driller found water at 37 ft. He reported that we have a heavy layer of blue shale, which is reported to keep water from getting through. The bottom of the pond is also blue shale. The spring is so productive that a LGP Dozer hit it got stuk and worked his way into a hole. They dug/pulled him out leaving a hole @ 15 feet in diameter 4-6 ft deep. The hole was completely full of water the next morning.

The dam had been broken to drain the pond, and has been put back together for about 6 days now. I would estimate the we have about 1 1/2 ft of water in at the deep end right now. The pond is filling from the spring and from a very small creek (also fed by springs). The water has a high iron content. So much so that the first water seeping out from the spring left puddles of orange sediment.

I will look into some of the accessories like feeders and areators, but funds are limited right now.

I have also dug out a much smller pond that is about 8 ft deep, and is fed with ground water putting aout a much greater flow rate. It is about 2ft from bing full. Dont know what this will be used for, so idea's are welcome.

This is my first pond so I have lots to learn about managment. The problem is so much information that I've been jumping around as to where to start. I am pricing lime, and I read on the MSU websight that you should start a new pond with lime and then every 3-5 years after.