me too theo. i think the active fish i caught probably represent the smaller end of the stockers which a year ago during stocking ranged from 2 to 5.5 inches.

bruce there are some bigger guys in there, i'm eager to get a pic or two.

the larger ones matured (colored up) and spawned last summer, some of these still look on the "immature" side, or their coloration is light due to keeping the water from getting real clear.(thanks davatsa...i think they are beautiful too!...mrs DIED has great fishin instincts \:\) )

thats the big test this year ewest, will i need to artificially remove BG, introduce a predator, or will the bigger GSF keep up with the present mix of fish given the upcoming summer drawdown? i'm also trying to evaluate the question of what survived last summer's drawdown, how did it affect the %'s and year class distribution of my fish?

GSF are people too!