HSB plan is coming together....!

3-5 inch HSB stockers currently running about 2 ½ to 3 lbs – low survival rate due to LMB predation.

January 2005
200, 4-6 inch HSB stocked in “grow-out” pond. Undetermined survival rate.
They have been raised on fathead minnows and Aquamax high protein fish pellets. Should be 10+ inchers currently.
Will begin harvest and transfer to main pond when water cools.

February 2005 – 15, 10-inch stockers in main pond, currently 1½ lbs. Good survival rate.

Early Spring 2006 Plan:
April stocking program in “grow-out pond” with undetermined number of 2-inch HSB fingerlings and Tilapia breeding pairs.
No supplemental feeding – tilapia forage only.
Harvest HSB early winter when lowering water temps kill-off tilapia.

Very interesting program - have gone from “can’t do that” to “can do that” in three years.

George Glazener
N.E. Texas ¼ acre and 2 acre ponds