Dave - Silverstreak is a commercial HSB producer. I just spoke with Justin yesterday (whom you met in San Marcos awhile back) and asked him about their live-sale practices.

As you mentioned, they're almost exclusively into food-fish production (harvested and iced-down immediately). Having witnessed their very efficient food-fish harvesting operation, I can assure you that they're not overly enthused toward live-harvests - which is a relatively tedious process.

See the attached photos as examples of their volume-oriented harvesting methods. Food Harvest 1 Food Harvest 2 Food Harvest 3

However, they will gingerly live-harvest Live Harvest and sell quality fish only to select lake management companies who 1) have the knowledge and equipment to safely transport HSB for stocking purposes, and 2) who are willing to coordinate their hauling-truck's arrival with their normal harvest schedules. There was no indication at all that they'd sell to retail customers, nor any plans of doing so in the foreseeable future.

Justin did mention the names of several lake management companies with whom they will deal; many of which advertise in Pond Boss. Based on his comments, I would suggest working through a reputable lake management company and/or retail fish-hauler if seeking HSB of this size and quality.