I would like to thank everyone for their prayers. My father had a peaceful passing at 7:15 sat night. Man there are lots of things to do after a death, so been too busy to think about too much at this time. My Mama will be ok I know but she is taking it hard. She lost her best friend she has had since they started dating at 16. Say a prayer for her if you get the chance.

The hardest part was telling my nephew who just turned 11. He lost not only his fishing buddy but the guy who was like a father to him. I’m honored to help out with the situation. Also I helped setup a Melvin Grimes Memorial Fund to benefit his grandkids education. My Dad did not like the idea of flowers. In fact he did not want anything from folks, but that hampers them from getting a blessing, so now any gifts go there. He likd it since it helps them out since he will not be here, pretty cool.

Your kind words and scripture have been very helpful so thank you from the bottom of my heart. Gotta give a talk at memorial tomorrow, so one last time pray for me to get through that and convey how great a man he was.

I’m not very articulate and this may sound strange but looking back the passing was almost joyous. I feel he was pain free. He went instantly from normal breathing to only 7 breaths followed by 20-25 sec pause (nurses said this would happen but wrong not slowly). This gave us notice to call my sis and his brothers to get them there. Then, this only lasted about 1.5 hours so it too was quick.

We were all gathered around him and I was holding his hand. However family wanted some good country cooking (pinto beans, okra, and cornbread, yum), so my aunt brought me some so I could eat by his side. We started talking more about fun times with him when my aunt said he is gone. I turend in time to see his last pulse in his neck. Typical for my Dad not when we were all holding him praying but when no one was watching his every breath and laughing. God made this situation as gracious as anyone could ask and I’m so thankful for that.

Greg Grimes