This is a tough time of the year up North for RES. In the last month, the ice has melted on my pond 3 times and each time I have found a big, dead RES. All three were 8"-9" long and appeared stout and (other than being deceased) in good physical condition.

Bruce Condello informs me that last year in March, he lost a number of RES as well.

I know that different sizes of fish are more susceptible to environmental extremes. Large fish usually suffer first from low O2 levels and, IIRC, big cool water fish usually succumb to overly warm water first as well.

My question is whether or not large RES would be more prone to stress from cold water than smaller RES. The limited evidence I have gathered would tned to support this hypothesis. OTOH, small dead and dying RES in my pond could possibly be eaten by LMB and/or CC before I get a chance to see them, while the predators would have more trouble swallowing 8"-9" RES.

Your knowledge or thoughts?

"Live like you'll die tomorrow, but manage your grass like you'll live forever."
-S. M. Stirling
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